
With the theme of The Multiverse of Distruption,
We challenge you to capture the disruption that you know, snap the reinvented world, the difference between then and now, past and present, all in one frame, make a proof that disruption is not always negative, and share your thoughts about it.

Registration fee :

Photography Competition

Contest Requirements

There are 9 rules that must be met by all participants, read carefully and don't miss it! Courage et sois le meilleur !

Rules A

Black and White or Colorized both accepted.

Rules B

Any aspect ratios are accepted.

Rules C

Photos must be in digital format (jpg, png) and allowed to use any gears (DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, analog, etc).

Rules D

Photos must included our watermark in the corner of photos, Download Here.

Rules E

Participant are allowed to submit up to 3 photos.

Rules F

Photo manipulation isn’t allowed, basic edit still allowed.

Rules G

The submitted photo must NOT contain the elements of SARA, pornography, sadism, or insults other personal background.

Rules H

The submitted photo must not have won a prize in any other photographic competition.

Rules I

The submitted photo must have description and there must be a relation between your photos and the description.

Photography Competition

Let's know some benefits

1st Winner

  • Main Event Ticket
  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event

2nd Winner

  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event

3rd Winner

  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event


Timelince Contest

Your Journey start here...!

Open Submission

15-28 August 2022


31 August - 02 September 2022


04 September 2022

Photography Competition

Meet some inspirational photographers

Andreas Darwis Triada

Adi Putra

Feeling Motivated Yet?

Prepare Yourself,
and Get Ready.

Register for Photography Contest now!