
With the theme of The Wise Of Mind,
we challenge participants to express what is wise of mind from their standpoint, how they deal with self- issue with all the wise from their mind in the form of poetry.

Registration fee :

Poetry Competition

Contest Requirements

There are 6 rules that must be met by all participants, read carefully and don't miss it! Courage et sois le meilleur !

Rules A

Poetry written in Microsoft word, A4 Paper, Times New Roman 12, Normal Margin, Space 1.5 (Submitted in .pdf format).

Rules B

The length of poetry is minimum 25 words and maximum 250 words.

Rules C

English or Indonesian are both accepted.

Rules D

Participant are allowed to submit up to 3 poetry.

Rules E

Submitted poetry must be original and must not have won a prize in any other poetry competition.

Rules F

The submitted poetry must have a relation with the theme.

Poetry Competition

Let's know some benefits

1st Winner

  • Main Event Ticket
  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event

2nd Winner

  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event

3rd Winner

  • E-Certificate
  • Merchandise
  • Published on website, instagram, and exhibited on TEDxUNDIP 3.0 Main Event


Timelince Contest

Your Journey start here...!

Open Submission

15-28 August 2022


31 August - 02 September 2022


04 September 2022

Poetry Competition

Meet some inspirational poets

Sapardi Djoko Damono

M. Aan Mansyur

Feeling Motivated Yet?

Prepare Yourself,
and Get Ready.

Register for Poetry Contest now!